The Memorial Volume for the 300th Foulke Family Reunion is Available
Yes, it's still available. The 300th year Reunion Memorial Volume can be ordered. Use
the order blank (click the above link) or create your own version of it.
This 144-page coffee table quality book can be a wonderful piece of heritage for you
and your children.
Join the Foulke oral history project
Tell the story of your line of the family, talk about your parents or grandparents or
just reminisce about your own life — for the benefit of our future descendants.
>> Sample audio file: Lila's Hodge's Foulke memories

Lila Hodges
Current Features:
New book features Foulke fossil finder
Author and illustrator Michael Dooling's new children's book, Fossil Hunter,
brings to life William Parker Foulke's nearly forgotten discovery of
Hadrosaurus foulkii — New Jersey's state dinosaur.
Foulke Family newsletters
We are in the process of scanning the past issues of the Foulke Family Herald.
Our intention is to provide them in scanned .pdf format, as well as rendered
in .html and plain text. If the webmaster finds the time, we will also provide
them in .epub format for your ebook reader.
William Dudley Foulke, civil rights champion
From 1870 until his death in 1935, William Dudley Foulke dedicated his life to
social causes, first championing civil service reform and fighting Boss Tweed's
political machine. He later fought for women's suffrage and agitated for better
conditions in Russia on humanitarian grounds.
Past news:
Edwin Foulke serving as assistant labor
Edwin G. Foulke, Jr., has been leading the U.S. government's Occupational Safety
and Health Administration since May 2006. In his post, he is an assistant secretary
of labor and responsible for ensuring the safety of all American workers.
Keith Foulke gets World Series win
In 2004, we celebrated with cousin Keith Foulke, who pitched the closing inning
of the winning game for the Boston Red Sox in the World Series. Keith retired
from baseball in early 2007. Here is the congratulatory posting we put up after
the World Series that year.
>> Other Famous Foulkes
Highlighted resources:
Sally Wister's Journal
Sally Wister was a teenager during the Revolutionary War. Her widely celebrated
journal documented her wartime experiences, including the part of her life spent
at the Foulke mansion in Penllyn, Pennsylvania. The entire volume, including
commentary by Albert Cook Myers, is available on
>> Edward Foulke's narrative
of his immigration
>> The Hugh Foulke House,
Quakertown, Pennsylvania
>> The 1898 Foulke Reunion
Memorial Volume